Demo > Strategy for Crop protection during a growing season.
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Agro-region: Denmark

Strategy for a growing season
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Crop  Problem type  Crop stage -  
CropCrop stage Description of tasks Precision in timing Comments
Barley, spring 31 - 71 Inspect for Leaf beetle once a week.

Report to Crop Protection Online.

Follow registrations of pests on a regional level..
Fra slutningen af maj til ca. 1. juli.
Kornbladbillens larve er med jævne mellem et problem i vårbyg.
 31 - 75 Inspect for aphids once a week.

Report to Crop Protection Online.

Follow registration of pests on a regional level.
Fra slutningen af maj til ca. 10. juli.
Skadetærsklen for bladlus er 40-50% strå med bladlus i strækningfasen (vs 31-40) hvorefter den stigertil over 70% i blomstringsfasen (vs 61-69).
Wheat, spring 0 - 0 Not implemented.

Not fully implemented in English version … 
Wheat, winter 10 - 13 Inspect for aphids.

Not fully implemented in English version … 
From the middel of September until the middle of October.

Only in early drilled winter wheat and in a very mild autumn, treatment can be profitable.

Rye, winter 45 - 51 Inspect for thrips.In the middle of May just before tillering.

Is will be profitable to control thrips, when >3 thrips are found per plant.

Barley, winter 10 - 13 Inspect for aphids.

Not fully implemented in English version … 
From the middle of September until the middle of October.

Only in early sown winter barley and in a very mild autumn, control of aphids can be profitable.

Tricitale, winter 45 - 51 Inspect plants for thrips.In the middle of May just before elongation.

Control of thrips is not profitalbe unless there are >3 thrips per plant.

Oats, spring 31 - 71 Inspect for cereal leaf beetle larvae once a week.

Report to Crop Protection Online.

Not fully implemented in English version … 
From end of May until beginning of July.

The cereal leaf beetle larvae is occasionally a problem in oats.

Oilseed rape, winter 51 - 59 Inspect for pollen beetle.

Not fully implemented in English version … 
In last half of April.

Pollen beetles appear in the spring, when temperatures are rising.

Oil seed rape is susceptible to attacks in the stage of flower budding. Later, only little harm will be made.

Control must be made if there are >3 pollen beetles per plant in early flower budding stage and >5 pollen beetles per plant in late flower budding stage.

Barley/Peas 0 - 0 Not fully implemented in English version …   
Beet root, sugar 0 - 0 Not fully implemented in English version …   

Crop Protection Online is published by Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University and SEGES Innovation.
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