Crop Protection Online > Pests - Weed biology<br> <sub>Agro-region: Denmark</sub> - Plantago major
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Weed biology
Agro-region: Denmark

Plantago major Previous page Next page

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Can be mistaken for

Rumex crispus L., which has somewhat larger dicotyledon leaves and true leaves.
Senecio vulgaris L., which has true leaves with jagged edges.
Tussilago farfara L., which often has longer dicotyledon leaves.


Oblong to lancet-shaped with entire leaf margins. Stalked. Smooth surface. Length approx. 5-6 mm.

True leaves
Oval to egg-shaped with entire or slightly sinuate leaf margins. Stalked. A few hairs on the surface. Length approx. 12 mm. The first true leaves on plants that are germinated from rootstock resemble the true leaves of young seedlings.

Mature plant
Greater plantain is a small plant with rosulate true leaves. The perianth is an oblong spike on stalks, which grow to a maximum of 30 cm. The diameter of the flower is approx. 1-2 mm. Seed production: Up to approx. 2,000 seeds per plant.

Oval outline, but somewhat angular. The surface is longitudinally furrowed. Thousand grain weight approx. 0.3 g.


Propagation and dispersal
Through seeds and rootstock.



The species is frequently found in meadows and in reduced-tillage fields. The species is also sometimes seen in corn and seed fields. Greater plantain is common throughout Denmark. The species is usually of minor importance as a weed.

For treatment options, consult 'Herbicides Across'.
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Names in different languages

Danish : Vejbred, glat
German : Breitwegerich
English : Greater Plantain
Latin : Plantago major
Norwegian : Groblad
Swedish : Groblad

Plantago major: Seedling
Plantago major: Early stage
Early stage
Plantago major: Vegetatively reproduced
Vegetatively reproduced
Plantago major: Flower
Plantago major: Mature plant
Mature plant
Plantago major: Seeds

Crop Protection Online is published by Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University and SEGES Innovation.
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