Crop Protection Online > Pests - Weed biology<br> <sub>Agro-region: Denmark</sub> - Senecio vernalis
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Weed biology
Agro-region: Denmark

Senecio vernalis Previous page Next page

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Can be mistaken for

Plantago major, which has true leaves with almost unbroken edges of leaves.
Senecio vulgaris L., which has thicker leaves.
Tussilago farfara L., which has true leaves with unbroken edges of leaves.


Lancet-shaped with entire leaf margins. Stalked. Smooth surface. Length approx. 8-10 mm.

True leaves
Inverted egg-shaped with slightly curved or toothed leaf margins. Stalked. Hairy surface. Length approx. 20-30 mm.

Mature plant
The plant is relatively small with a 15-30 cm high, erect stem. The leaves are woolly haired and with pinnately lobed or pinnatifid leaves. The flower heads are joined in open corymbs. Spring Groundsel can be distinguished from Common Groundsel by the individual flower head having distinct, long and prominent ray corollas. The diameter of the flower head is approx. 20 mm. The seed production ability is unknown.

Rod-shaped, longitudinally ribbed with round, serrate cross section. The intervening ribs are covered with longish barbate hairs. Thousand grain weight is unknown.


Propagation and dispersal
Only through seeds.

Summer and winter annual.


Spring Groundsel occurs especially in set-aside fields, in hedgerows and by roadsides. In recent years the plant has spread increasingly from the many set-aside fields to neighbouring meadows. There, it is a serious problem in roughage because of its relatively high poisonousness.

For treatment options, consult 'Herbicides Across'.
For more options, consult 'Main Menu'.



Names in different languages

Danish : Brandbæger, vår
German : Frühlingsreiskraut
English : Spring Groundsel
Latin : Senecio vernalis
Norwegian : Vårkorsört
Swedish : Vårkorsört

Senecio vernalis: Seedling
Senecio vernalis: Early stage
Early stage
Senecio vernalis: Flower
Senecio vernalis: Mature plant
Mature plant
Senecio vernalis: Seeds

Crop Protection Online is published by Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University and SEGES Innovation.
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