Crop Protection Online > Pests - Weed biology<br> <sub>Agro-region: Denmark</sub> - Equisetum arvense L.
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Weed biology
Agro-region: Denmark

Equisetum arvense L. Previous page Next page

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Early stages
In early spring yellowish brown stems shoot from subterranean bolters. These 10-20 cm high stems carry 2-cm long, sporiferous spikes. Later in the spring the sporiferous stems die away, and instead green shoots begin to germinate. The green shoots are cylindrical. After a while the whorled side branches unfold and the plant’s outline becomes conical.

Mature plant
Field horsetail is a medium-sized plant with 20-40 cm high, ascending to erect stems. The whorled side branches give the plant a conical outline.


Propagation and dispersal
Through spores and subterranean bolters.



The species is frequently found in both annual and perennial crops throughout Denmark, espcially on waterlogged soils. At largish densities the plant can be quite troublesome and cause losses both in open crops such as Beet and in more competitive crops such as cereals.

For treatment options, consult 'Herbicides Across'.
For more options, consult 'Main Menu'.



Names in different languages

Danish : Padderokke, ager
German : Ackerschachtelhalm
English : Field Horsetail
Latin : Equisetum arvense L.
Norwegian : Pengeurt
Swedish : Åkerfräken

Equisetum arvense L.: Very early stage
Very early stage
Equisetum arvense L.: Early stage
Early stage
Equisetum arvense L.: Sporiferous spikes
Sporiferous spikes
Equisetum arvense L.: Mature plant
Mature plant

Crop Protection Online is published by Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University and SEGES Innovation.
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