Crop Protection Online > Pests - Weed biology<br> <sub>Agro-region: Denmark</sub> - Aethusa cynapium L.
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Weed biology
Agro-region: Denmark

Aethusa cynapium L. Previous page Next page

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Can be mistaken for

Fumaria officinalis L., which has somewhat longer dicotyledon leaves.


Almost lancet-shaped, with entire leaf margins. Stalked. Smooth surface. Length approx. 10 mm.

True leaves
With more or less deep incisions and partings. Stalked. Smooth surface. Length approx. 8-15 mm.

Mature plant
Fool’s Parsley is a medium-sized plant with 30-60 cm long stems. The flowers are arranged in umbellets, which in their turn are arranged in an umbel. Each umbellet has 3 pendent leaves. Seed production: Up to approx. 500 seeds per plant.

Almost egg-shaped in circumference. Crescent-shaped cross section. The surface has strong veins on the curved side and 2 red oil tubes on the flat side. Thousand grain weight approx. 1.7 g.


Propagation and dispersal
Only through seeds.

Summer annual or biennial.


The species is occasionally found in spring-sown crops in Denmark (East Jutland and the Danish Isles). In West and North Jutland the plant is found infrequently. In Cereal crops and Oil-seed Rape, Fool’s Parsley usually has no major influence on yield. However, the plant can both be troublesome and cause losses in open crops, especially in Beet.

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Names in different languages

Danish : Hundepersille
German : Hundspetersilie
English : Fool's Parsley
Latin : Aethusa cynapium L.
Norwegian : Hundepersille
Swedish : Vildpersilja

Aethusa cynapium L.: Seedling
Aethusa cynapium L.: Early stage
Early stage
Aethusa cynapium L.: Flower
Aethusa cynapium L.: Mature plant
Mature plant
Aethusa cynapium L.: Seeds

Crop Protection Online is published by Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University and SEGES Innovation.
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