Planteværn Online > Skadevoldere - Weed biology<br> <sub>Agro-region: Denmark</sub> - Dandelion
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Weed biology
Agro-region: Denmark

Dandelion Previous page Next page

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Can be mistaken for

Sow-thistle, which has hairy true leaves.


Oval with entire leaf margins. Stalked. Smooth surface. Length approx. 5-7 mm.

True leaves
Almost lancet-shaped in outline, but broadest towards one end. The leaf margin is more or less serrate. Smooth surface. The leaves contain latex, which can be seen by squeezing a torn-off leaf. Length approx. 12-15 mm. The first true leaves of plants that are germinated from pieces of roots resemble the true leaves of young seedlings.

Mature plant
Dandelion is a low-growing plant with rosulate true leaves. The flower heads sit on 5-30 cm high, erect scapes. The whole plant is filled with latex. The diameter of the flower head is approx. 30-50 mm. Seed production: Up to approx. 200 seeds per flower head.

Cone-shaped and slightly curved. Oval cross section. The top ends in a stalk with a pappus umbrella; the stalk can easily be broken off. The surface has several longitudinal ribs, which are covered with patulous teeth at the top. Thousand grain weight approx. 0.7 g.


Propagation and dispersal
Through seeds and pieces of roots.



The species is frequently found in meadows and other perennial crops throughout Denmark and in reduced-tillage fields. Only plants germinated from pieces of roots are of importance as a weed, e.g. in perennial meadows.

For treatment options, consult 'Herbicides Across'.
For more options, consult 'Main Menu'.



Names in different languages

Danish : Mælkebøtte
German : Gemeiner Löwenzahn
English : Dandelion
Latin : Taraxacum officinale
Norwegian : Løvetann
Swedish : Maskros

Dandelion: Seedling
Dandelion: Early stage
Early stage
Dandelion: Vegetatively reproduced
Vegetatively reproduced
Dandelion: Flower
Dandelion: Mature plant
Mature plant
Dandelion: Seeds

Crop Protection Online is published by Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University and SEGES Innovation.
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