Planteværn Online > Skadevoldere - Weed biology<br> <sub>Agro-region: Denmark</sub> - Annual Meadow-grass
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Weed biology
Agro-region: Denmark

Annual Meadow-grass Previous page Next page

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Can be mistaken for

Loose Silky-bent, which does not have boat-shaped leaf tips.
Rough Meadow-grass, which is taller and withhout cross-wrinkled leaves.


Early stages
The vernation is valvate, and the sheaths are somewhat compressed. The leaves are thin and often furrowed across. The leaf apex is boat-shaped. If the leaves are held against a source of light, 2 light stripes are seen along the middle of the leaf. The ligule is 2-4 mm long. The entire plant often looks crumpled.

Mature plant
Annual Meadow-grass is a small plant with approx. 5-20 cm high, ascending stems. The awnless spikelets are joined in small, open panicles. Annual Meadow-grass is easily distinguished from other Meadow-grasses by its size. Seed production: Up to approx. 500 seeds per plant.

Plumb with a sharply keeled, rough bract of which the side edges bend outwards at the top. Triangular cross section. Round and thin rachilla. Low and broad ventral furrow. Shelled seeds occur frequently. Thousand grain weight approx. 0.4 g.


Propagation and dispersal
Only through seeds.

Summer and winter annual.


The species is frequently found in all kinds of crops throughout Denmark. It is the second most frequent weed species in Denmark after Chickweed. Annual Meadow-grass usually has no particular influence on yield, but can be very troublesome in open crops. The species causes losses in a large number of seed grass crops as it is very difficult to separate the seeds from for example Smooth Meadow-grass and Rough Meadow-grass.

For treatment options, consult 'Herbicides Across'.
For more options, consult 'Main Menu'.



Names in different languages

Danish : Rapgræs, enårig
German : Einjähriges Rispengras
English : Annual Meadow-grass
Latin : Poa annua L.
Norwegian : Tunrapp
Swedish : Vitgröe

Annual Meadow-grass: Very early stage
Very early stage
Annual Meadow-grass: Early stage
Early stage
Annual Meadow-grass: Ligule
Annual Meadow-grass: Top: boat-shaped leaf tip. <br>Bottom: Cross-wrinkled leaf.
Top: boat-shaped leaf tip.
Bottom: Cross-wrinkled leaf.
Annual Meadow-grass: Flowering spikelets
Flowering spikelets
Annual Meadow-grass: Mature plant
Mature plant
Annual Meadow-grass: Seeds

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