Planteværn Online > Skadevoldere - Weed biology<br> <sub>Agro-region: Denmark</sub> - Smooth Meadow-grass
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Weed biology
Agro-region: Denmark

Smooth Meadow-grass Previous page Next page

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Can be mistaken for

Annual Meadow-grass, which has cross-wrinkled and smaller leaves.
Rough Meadow-grass, whose leaves are more evenly pointed and the ligule somewhat longer; this, however, cannot be seen until the third leaf has appeared.


Early stages:
The vernation is valvate, and the leaf sheaths are somewhat compressed. Dark green or pruinose leaves, of the same width longitudinally, ending abruptly in a boat-shaped leaf tip. Keeled underside. No leaf teeth. Relatively short ligule, 1-3 mm.

Mature plant:
Smooth Meadow-grass is a medium-sized plant with 15-60 cm high, erect stems. The blades vary in length and width and are often pruinose. The 3- to 5-flowered, awnless spikelets are placed in an open panicle with few branches. Smooth Meadow-grass is distinguishable from Rough Meadow-grass by having a somewhat shorter ligule. Seed production: Up to 1,700 seeds per plant.

Lancet-shaped, resembles an oblong boat due to a distinct u- or v-shaped groove (ventral furrow). Triangular cross section. Cellophane-like, 5-nerved lemmas with a sharp midkeel. Thin, slightly protruding, approx. 1 mm long rachilla. Naked seeds may occur, with a boat-like appearance like covered seeds. Thousand grain weight approx. 0.3 g.


Propagation and dispersal:
Through seeds and subterranean runners.



As a weed the species occur mainly sporadically in mild areas in the Danish isles, which are the main site of growing Smooth Meadow-grass. The species occurs as a volunteer after seed growing and causes appreciable losses in cereals even at moderate densities. For continued grass seed growing purposes it is important to maintain good eradication at both species and variety level. The plant is especially unwanted in seed fields with Perennial Ryegrass, Fescue, Rough Meadow-grass and Cock’s-foot because it is difficult to separate the seeds.

For treatment options, consult 'Herbicides Across'.
For more options, consult 'Main Menu'.

Names in different languages

Danish : Rapgræs, eng
German : Wiesen-Rispengras
English : Smooth Meadow-grass
Latin : Poa pratensis L.
Norwegian : Engrapp
Swedish : Ängsgröe

Smooth Meadow-grass: Very early stage
Very early stage
Smooth Meadow-grass: Early stage
Early stage
Smooth Meadow-grass: Leaf sheath
Leaf sheath
Smooth Meadow-grass: Flower
Smooth Meadow-grass: Top
Smooth Meadow-grass: Seeds

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